SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜


5 .团队功能障碍

团队合作仍然是任何组织最未开发的竞争优势. 无论你是在大公司工作, 一个非营利性的, 一个小组织, or a new entrepreneurial venture finding a way to maximize morale and 生产力 will lead to extraordinary organizational results. 优秀的团队合作不是偶然发生的. 这是有目的的,他们的发展是持续的. 今天是开始提高团队凝聚力和生产力的日子. Learn how to spot and address the 5 Dysfunctions any team may experience: inattention to results, 避免问责, 缺乏承诺, 对冲突的恐惧, 缺乏信任.


D.I.S.C. 性格报告或清单, 介绍了四种主要的行为风格, 每一种都有非常独特和可预测的可观察行为模式. It is commonly used in business and corporate environments and can lead to personal insights that can strengthen the performance of staff, 监督, 管理, 以及整个组织的领导人员. D.I.S.C. 有助于公平竞争, 给大家一种共同的语言, 并帮助你的管理团队了解如何处理, 讨论, 纪律, 奖励他们的员工.


无论你是一名人力资源经理,还是只是把这顶帽子作为你工作职责的一部分, you are a key player in the establishment and ongoing support of a hostile-free work environment within your organization. HR professionals must be the vigilant experts that assertively lead the initiative to ensure our entire workforce understands the advantages provided by a diverse workforce and appreciates differences to create a team capable of working within each member’s unique strengths.


Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to an individual’s ability to recognize their own feelings as well as the feelings of others, 激励自己, 管理他们自己和他们的关系. These abilities are distinct from traditional academic intelligence and cannot be measured by IQ. Emotionally intelligent leaders help their organizations to create competitive advantages through their staff using a number of avenues such as: increased performance, 提高积极性和团队合作能力, 促进创新,恢复信任.


The FourSight tool provides insight into how people think, approach their work, and solve problems. 这种评估分为突破性思维过程的四个不同阶段, 表明每个人的优势和偏好. Discover how to best leverage your thinking style and those of your team as the first step toward achieving greater 生产力, 团队的有效性, 突破性成果.


确定合适的候选人并将其安排到合适的职位上可能是一项艰巨的任务. 行为面试, 了解组织的文化契合度, and having a clear picture of necessary current and future skills for your position openings will take you a long way to hiring the right people the first time. 将这一技能添加到你的人力资源工具箱中,以帮助你做出最好的选择.


目前职场上有四代人, 都有不同的值, 偏见, 需要, 和期望. 领导人, 经理, 管理者必须了解如何最好地管理, 激励, 并在每个团队中保留最优秀的人才,以确保组织的健康和繁荣.

Myers Briggs类型指标(MBTI)

“不管你的生活环境如何, 对类型的理解可以让你的感知更清晰, 你的判断会更准确……”伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯. The Myers Briggs类型指标(MBTI) tool helps individuals and teams better understand why people behave the way they do, thereby gaining a clearer understanding of how to best interact with others both within the organization, 以及外部客户. MBTI是团队建设的基础, 领导和辅导, 管理冲突, 提高工作绩效.


Performance 管理 is a system by which an organization is able to effectively align its strategic goals with the day-to-day functions of its staff while operating in a turbulent, 全球经济. 包括考试, 修改, 创建准确的职位描述, 任务评估与测量, 澄清员工的期望. 除了, 监事 must learn how to effectively write and deliver performance appraisals that 激励 employees and help them to reach their full potential. 人力资源专业人员需要确保对其管理和领导人员进行适当的培训, 创造一个有利于开放沟通和团队合作的环境, and hold team leaders accountable so as to bring organizations closer to achieving their mission.


学习如何永久解决棘手的性能问题. 我们循序渐进的过程对弄清这个问题是无价的, identifying the performance gap and working with your employees to 开发 a positive and productive solution. Positive 纪律 is essential in every workplace that 需要 their employees to remain 激励d on the job and give 100% every day.


根据法律, there are two categories of sexual harassment in the workplace; quid pro quo and a hostile work environment. 最常见的, 在今天的工作场所,对充满敌意的工作环境的指责, 导致数十万美元的律师费和罚款. 许多领导人, 监事, 工作人员, 没有意识到敌意的工作环境会在不经意间造成问题. 除了, 一个充满敌意的工作环境已经被证明会降低员工的生产力和整体的保留率.

Every employer in 纽约 State is required to provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training pursuant to Section 201-g of the Labor Law. 员工应在入职时接受培训,此后每年接受一次培训.

lol菠菜竞猜提供课堂和在线培训! Our 30-minute online session fulfills the minimum NY State requirements for interactive training. Call now to arrange your classroom training or for a FREE demonstration of our online training opportunity! 欲了解更多信息,请致电585-345-6868或通过电子邮件与lol菠菜竞猜联系 bestcenter@cinderlila.com.


What are the legalities surrounding looking up your candidates profile on 脸谱网 and 推特? LinkedIn怎么样?? 你的组织应该使用这些工具来招募潜在的候选人吗?

The exponential surge in the use of social media by individuals and organizations has been accompanied by ethical debates and legal consequences. 人力资源专业人士需要紧跟最佳实践来保护他们的组织, 保持员工士气, 支持客户服务.


你喜欢怎样和别人交流? 你能通过观察别人的行为来判断他们喜欢如何沟通吗? 他们如何思考? 因此,为什么他们会对你和他们周围的人做出这样的反应? 社会风格评估是一个快速, 容易, 也是帮助团队的有趣工具, 监事, 领导者也能更好地理解工作场所的行为, 并有效地管理它们.


今天, it is not enough for leaders just to agree intellectually that employees are the life blood of the organization, they must know how to act on this to procure maximum commitment and 生产力 from their staff. Although HR duties have 开发ed into a specialized function and many organizations have individuals performing that function, it is more important than ever for leaders to understand the core components of HR; employment law issues and best practices.


人才管理, 也被称为继任计划, emerged in the 1990s as more and more companies came to realize that employee talents and skills drove business success. The process now known as 人才管理 evolved as a systematic way of 开发ing employees skills to their potential, 提高员工保留率, 并吸引高技能工人加入公司. 从事人才管理的公司在如何吸引人才方面是战略性的和深思熟虑的, 开发, 留住他们的员工. Research done on the value of these 开发ment systems revealed benefits in critical economic areas such as revenue, 客户满意度, 质量, 生产力, 成本, 市场资本化.


成年人是如何学习的? 培训师如何在课堂上处理不同的学习风格? 培训内容如何确定? 培训师必须能够接触到广泛的学习风格, 沟通方式, 和思维方式来履行他们在组织中的职责. Effective trainers understand they hold the key to the 开发ment and delivery of accurate and timely training that is aligned with organizational objectives, 从而提供实现组织使命所需的技能集.


工作场所暴力是影响所有商业部门和职业的严重问题. 作为雇主, 保障每一位员工的安全, 客户, 而走进你公司的外部供应商就是你的. Reduce your liability and risk by training everyone in your organization to spot potential workplace violence issues and behavior, 并且知道如何避免它们.